How is the revenue share calculated in the ASIN Reverse Lookup?



This KPI indicates what share of their cumulative revenue the products together generate via that keyword.


Product A generates a total of $500 in revenue per month. Thereof, the keyword garlic press generated $100, (20%).

Product B generate a total of $1,000 in revenue per month. Thereof, the keyword garlic press generated for $700, (70%).

Therefore, the cumulative revenue share of the keyword garlic press is thus 53.3%: Together, the products A and B generate $1,500 revenue, of which a total of $800 (53.3%) is generated via the keyword garlic press.

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Additional keywords: asin reverse lookup, asin reverse lookup revenue share, How is the revenue share calculated in the ASIN Reverse Lookup?, keywords revenue share, keywords revenue share asin reverse lookup, revenue share asin reverse lookup

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