How to create a keyword ranking Project?


First, click on “Monitoring”

Keyword Rankings

Go to “Keyword Rankings”

Create new project

Select “Create new project”

Project name

Give the project a name in the “Project name” field


Select a marketplace for which you want to create the project

You cannot select multiple marketplaces in one project, only one marketplace per project

Tracking interval

Select a tracking interval. This interval defines, how often keywords queried. Subsequently, click on “Next”

Keywords & Search results

Search results

Your next step will be, to select the number of search results, and list the keywords you want to track one below the other. Then click on”Next”

Manually enter keywords

Make sure that you do not accidentally include a space when entering the keywords manually. Otherwise, the keywords will be applied the same way as they were entered. Including the space

Use lists

To import keywords from a list, simply click on the icon of the three dots


List the ASINs one below the other for which you want to monitor the rankings for the previously entered keywords. You can directly cover all variants with the slider, even if you only enter one ASIN. Then just click on “Next


In the next step, the products are listed once, so that you can check again whether the correct ASINs have been entered


Lastly, everything will be summarized again. Just click on “Save”, and your project will be created

Accounting of credits

The more keywords you want to track and the lower the tracking interval is, the more credits you need to create the project

Keyword monitoring credits can be purchased as an add-on, see also the following article: How to book an add-on?

Additional keywords: create keyword rankings project, how to create keyword ranking project, keyword rankings project

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